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Give your business a sweet boost with custom printed mints! Order promotional mints with logo to have enough to hand out at trade shows, corporate events, weddings, and more. Shop a variety of individually wrapped peppermints, spearmints, buttermints, starlight mints, and jellybeans with custom printed wrappers to create a delicious giveaway for your restaurant, hotel, reception area, open house, and more. Create a lasting impression when you order custom printed metal tin mints as people tend to keep tins and re-use them for storing small things. Be connected and on the go with your customers and employees when you order credit card-style mints with your logo. Personalized mints are a great giveaway for any industry and are available in a variety of colors and container shapes such as heart, house, truck, ribbon, dollar sign, round, triangle, or square to name a few. Get your brand in front of your customers with fresh & delicious promo mints that are made in the USA and of the highest quality ingredients. Add an extra touch of personalization when you order custom shape mints and choose from stars, cars, lips, ribbon, house, flag, bone, golf club, or golf ball mint shapes in addition to custom printing your logo or design on the packaging. Go all out with personalization when you choose to stamp each mint with your full-color logo for unique product branding. Whether you’re looking for deals on individually wrapped mints, plastic credit card style mints, or novelty-shaped mint tins, at Progress Promotional Products, we have a full burst of flavor and mint options to choose from. Order your custom printed mints today!

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